Chocolate and peanut butter. Pudding and parfaits. You and this tasty treat—they’re all the perfect match. The pudding has to sit overnight before it’s ready, so plan your cravings accordingly.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding Parfaits
- 1 pint NadaMoo! Organic Chocolate Peanut Butter
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1/4 cup chia seeds
- 1 ripe banana, sliced into 1-inch pieces (wait until the pudding sits overnight to slice the bananas)
- 1/4 cup sweetened banana chips
- 1 TBSP Justin’s Coconut Almond Butter
- 1/4 cup cocoa chia granola
- 1/4 cup maple pecan cereal
- In a blender, blend half the NadaMoo! Organic Chocolate Peanut Butter with coconut milk and chia seeds.
- Pour mixture into 1 extra large glass or 2 large glasses and let sit in refrigerator overnight.
- Add fresh banana slices to the top of chia seed pudding.
- Scoop remaining half of NadaMoo! Organic Chocolate Peanut Butter into the glass(es).
- Top with vegan banana chips, vegan chocolate spread, cocoa chia granola, and/or maple pecan cereal.